Thursday, February 11, 2016

It was gloomy when we went here. It was raining. I tried to cheer myself but my frustration can't contain. I honestly hate travelling while it's raining. Who doesn't? All I thought about was my camera. I cant afford to get a new one if this baby is soaked in the rain. Damn this rain! 
Oh well, at least I was able to capture some photos. 

camera: Canon 60d and SJ4000

the towering heights of the windmill


We also dropped by this desicrated cave. Yes, it is literally dead. I'm not sure why they made this a tourist spot. 

to add up the frustration, the water was so strong because of the rain, we weren't allowed to swim. 
That murky water looks terrifying. 

Daranak falls overflowing the waterfall basin

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