Thursday, December 21, 2017

 I was invited by a group of friends to join on a trip to Solaj resort in Liloy and Situbo waterfalls in Tampilisan on a holiday. That’s visiting 2 places 6 hours from my city in one day. First stop, Situbo Falls followed by Solaj resort, 30 minutes apart from each other.
We met at IBT (Integrated Bus Terminal) Zamboanga at 2:45 AM with friends and friends of friends. We left at 3AM via Dipolog-bound bus. We had to be this early; it takes around 6 hours to get to our destinations.

We arrived at Tampilisan terminal at around 7:30am. We looked for breakfast but we all decided the skip the meal to get to the waterfalls early. Instead, we looked for a habal-habal to take us to the falls. Habal-habals are everywhere. It’s easy to find them in the terminal (oh you don’t actually need to find them they will find you)

The habal-habal drivers approached us and the negotiations began. The deal closed at 150php per pax. That’s 120php = back and forth ride to the falls. 30 php waiting time. That means the driver is going to wait for us while we’re enjoying the falls then drive us back to the terminal. We told the driver were only staying in the falls for 1 hour. 30 php for the wait time was fair enough. Everyone was amenable.

We arrived at Situbo Falls after the 5-minute easy trek, I saw Situbo Falls and WOW!!!

 I was astounded by its beauty. I was speechless for a moment, trying to figure out whether it was real or not. My friends were getting closer to the falls. I was left far behind, still in awe, mesmerized by its beauty. I could see how big Situbo Falls as they get closer against the fall’s boulders. They appeared smaller, making the waterfalls looked bigger and bigger!

I took so many photos in different angles but these photos don’t seem to justify how beautiful the place is. The photos you see in this place are just a fraction of the beauty Situbo Falls holds.

Check this vlog I made for this trip :

Unfortunately, we didn’t stay long enough. We thought it was like a typical waterfalls you’re visiting but it wasn’t. It was all pure beauty.

We didn’t bring food because we thought of just staying just for an hour. There were no available food to buy in the area. We didn’t even get the chance to bathe or swim. I knew staying for just an hour was a bad idea.
But these photos were more than enough to mark my presence in this beautiful place. I’ll definitely come back and stay the whole day here soon!

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