Saturday, January 6, 2018

It was the first day of 2018. I woke up on a beautiful morning on a New year holiday. I was feeling bloated by last night’s pig-out session. I was feeling so lazy and just wanted to sleep the whole day and waited for the undigested food to exit out of my body so I can pig out again. Then, I heard my mom calling me, asking me to get ready for a beach trip. I could not believe my mom, who is not really into travel, inviting the whole family for an outdoor trip. I hopped out of my bed and got ready. This is going to be fun!

We packed our stuffs. Got ready. Gas-ed the car and we were on our way to Buluan Island in Ipil Zambonaga Sibugay which is 3 hours from Zamboanga city.

ready for a trip
mom, thea and me
dad, our driver

As we passed along MCLL Highway, we made some stops on scenic views to take pictures (and to take a leak, too). First stop was on Brgy Muti. We just got off the car and took photos of the lush green grassland just at the right beside the road. I took my SJCAM M20 camera for a wider angle of view. The view was beautiful. Second stop was on another scenic view somewhere in Brgy Curuan, a few kilometers after Brgy Muti. Here, you’ll see an overlooking view of green hills and the sea. The views are so breathtaking that not taking a photo and selfie is a crime.

first stop
the amazing Muti grassland
second stop
Amazing backdrop view

After an hour of driving, we finally arrived in Brgy Buluan in Ipil. We parked our car and we headed to boat’s docking station. As we got closer to the boat’s terminal, we noticed there are many people, which was so unusual for this place. Turns out that these people are also heading to the island and waiting for the boat to fetch them. Then we are informed that The Islands if swarmed with people, hundreds of them. We couldn’t ride immediately, we had to wait for the queue. While waiting, we took pictures with the cool bamboo-made wharf.

photo ops at the bamboo wharf
The second boat came and it was our time to take a ride to the island. We hopped on to the boat. We were charged 50 pesos per head.
We arrived at the island and boy it was infested with humans!!! There were so many people that it was hard to imagine Buluan the way I knew. Trash are scattered everywhere on the sand. Drunkards are partying and bottles of beer were everywhere. Plastics! all over the place. And the worst of all, big boats were docked on the swimming area. The smell of diesel was so strong, it made me felt like I was swimming on fuel. I pity on the Island.
Despite the condition, we took a dip in the water and tried to enjoy it as much as we could. We left the island and still it was a fun day!


Thea, scared of the water haha

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